We have tracked, categorized under Law, Justice and Legal Services, over 10 funding programs and $9,100,000 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Second Chance Act Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry Program Utilizing Mentors Apply for BJA 2016 8990

Funding Number: BJA 2016 8990
Agency: Bureau of Justice Assistance
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
Smart Policing Initiative Apply for BJA 2016 9208

Funding Number: BJA 2016 9208
Agency: Bureau of Justice Assistance
Funding Amount: $700,000
OJJDP FY24 Youth Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Apply for O OJJDP 2024 172115

Funding Number: O OJJDP 2024 172115
Agency: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Funding Amount: $650,000
Chile Investment Screening Mechanism Apply for INL23GR0059 WHPCHIL INVSTSCRNG 063023

Funding Number: INL23GR0059 WHPCHIL INVSTSCRNG 063023
Agency: Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement
Funding Amount: $200,000
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic Apply for TREAS GRANTS 052022 001

Funding Number: TREAS GRANTS 052022 001
Agency: US Department of the Treasury, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
Strengthening Local Systems and Partnerships for More Effective and Sustainable Counter-Trafficking in Persons in the Philippines (STRENGTH CTIP-P) Apply for 7200AA19APS00007 ADDENDUM 01

Funding Number: 7200AA19APS00007 ADDENDUM 01
Agency: Agency for International Development
Funding Amount: $3,000,000
Strengthening Judicial Response to Organized Crime in Costa Rica Apply for INL18GR0065 WHPCOSTARICA 08272018

Funding Number: INL18GR0065 WHPCOSTARICA 08272018
Agency: Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement
Funding Amount: $300,000

Agency: Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services
Funding Amount: $500,000
Inspector General Training for the Tunisian National Police and National Guard Apply for INL18CA0012 AMETUNISIA TNPTRNG 03122018

Funding Number: INL18CA0012 AMETUNISIA TNPTRNG 03122018
Agency: Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement
Funding Amount: $750,000
SORNA Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Program Apply for SMART 2017 11580

Funding Number: SMART 2017 11580
Agency: Department of Justice, Department of Justice
Funding Amount: $1,000,000


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  • Grants Repository - Access current and historic funding opportunities with ease. Thousands of funding opportunities are published every week. We can help you sort through the database and find the eligible ones to apply for.
  • Applicant Video Guides - The grant application process can be challenging to follow. We can help you with intuitive video guides to speed up the process and eliminate errors in submissions.
  • Grant Proposal Wizard - We have developed a network of private funding organizations and investors across the United States. We can reach out and submit your proposal to these contacts to maximize your chances of getting the funding you need.
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